Membership Fees
We try to keep the cost of diving as low as we can and our membership fees reflect this. We have two types of membership: Diving and Social (for those that want to join the club but not take part in any diving or training). We require Diving members to also be members of BSAC, their current membership fees are listed here,
Our own fees are paid annually or monthly by direct debit. We have multiple membership tiers reflecting the diverse nature of our membership.
Equipment Hire and Pool Fees
We have a limited supply of diving equipment which club members can use. Rental charges are set out in the table.
Air fills using the club's compressor are charged at £5 and are only available to club members. The £5 fee covers the fill of a single tank of any size or a twinset of any size (including independents). 3lt pony tanks are filled for free.
Member pool fees are charged at £7.50 per session.
Try Dives and Refresher fees are £35 per session.
The club boats are only available to club members and are charged at £20 per person per day subject to a minimum charge of £80 per day., non-divers pay £5. This includes fuel, launch fees etc. Fuel replenishment costs will be refunded to the purchaser on provision of a receipt to the Club Treasurer.
The clubs's bank account details are:
Name: British Sub Aqua Club Aberdeen Branch
Sort code: 80-12-15
Account number: 00168029
Bank of Scotland
Please specify the reason for the payment in the transaction reference field, e.g. "pool fees 9/11"